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Our Headquarters

  • Address: Rua da Serrinha, nº 891, 4575-049 Alpendorada e Matos Portugal
  • Phone: +351 255 611 602 (call for portuguese landline)
  • Email:

Our Main Office

  • Address: Rua das Carvalhas, 1381 4460-710 Custóias Portugal
  • Phone: +351 22 943 62 50 (call for portuguese landline)
  • Email:

Working Hours

  • Monday - Friday - 8:30 to 17:30
  • Saturday / Sunday - Closed

We are Here

Talk to us about your new project, make us a suggestion or file a complaint. At RG Rogranit Grantax we assure you that your message will be dealt with in a timely manner.